Ping Podcast: Temperature, Humidity & Altitude

Ping Podcast: Episode 13: Temperature, Humidity & Altitude

PING is one of the most renowned golf companies in the world. The brand’s products can be found in any golf company under the sun and recognized by pros and amateurs alike. PING is constantly pushing the limits of club design and producing innovative clubs, no one knows what they will invent next. One thing is for sure, and it is that PING did not achieve its success by producing anything less than the best.

On Episode 13 of the PING Proving Grounds Podcast, as Shane prepares for his first U.S. Amateur in Colorado, he and Marty discuss the impact weather and altitude will have on his game. Marty takes Shane through Ballnamic’s “Plays Like” chart and Co-Pilot’s Launch Efficiency tool, before discussing common misconceptions golfers have with these conditions.

Episode 13: Temperature, Humidity & Altitude

When it comes to golf, we often focus on perfecting our swing and choosing the right clubs, but there’s more to the game than meets the eye. In Episode 13 of the Ping Podcast, Shane and Marty delve into a crucial but often overlooked aspect of golf – how weather conditions, including temperature, humidity, and altitude, can influence your game. As Shane prepares for his U.S. Amateur debut in Colorado, they discuss the profound impact these factors can have and dispel common misconceptions that golfers hold. In this blog, we’ll break down their insights and take a closer look at how weather can affect your golf performance.

Temperature and Altitude: The Dynamic Duo

Shane and Marty highlight the intricate relationship between temperature and altitude in golf. As the temperature rises or when you play at higher altitudes, you’re not just battling the elements; you’re challenging the very air density that affects your shots. When the mercury climbs, air density drops, and when you venture to higher altitudes, there’s less atmospheric pressure pushing down. What does this mean for your game? Well, it means you can carry the ball further, but you’ll see it fly lower than usual. In Colorado’s high altitude, the ball also tends to travel straighter due to these conditions. Marty advises Shane on how to adjust his club choice based on temperature and elevation, emphasizing the importance of making educated decisions to excel on the course.

Humidity: A Slippery Situation

Contrary to a common golfer’s belief, high humidity doesn’t necessarily mean shorter shots. In fact, when you change humidity from 0 to 100 percent, you might theoretically gain an extra yard due to lowered air density. However, there’s a twist. In humid conditions, microscopic water droplets accumulate on the golf ball, turning it into a wet surface. As a result, you’ll hit a wet ball, which, unsurprisingly, travels shorter distances. This underscores the importance of keeping your golf ball dry, especially in muggy conditions. A simple test at your local driving range will confirm this – a dry ball consistently outperforms a wet one when hit with a driver. So, remember, it’s not the humidity itself that affects your shots; it’s all about the wetness of the golf ball.

The Spin Factor

When your golf ball is wet, and you’re using a low lofted club, something intriguing happens, which Marty aptly terms a “reverse flyer.” In humid conditions, the increased moisture between the ball and the clubface generates more spin. This extra spin can lead to a scenario where the ball slightly overshoots the target. So, it’s not the humidity that makes the ball go shorter; it’s the increased spin caused by a wet golf ball. Understanding this phenomenon allows you to make more informed decisions about your club selection and shot strategy in different weather conditions.

Mastering the Weather Game in Golf

Golf is a game that requires not only skill and precision but also an understanding of the environmental factors that can significantly impact your performance. As the Ping Podcast’s Episode 13 enlightens us, temperature, humidity, and altitude are critical elements that can make or break your game. By considering the insights shared by Shane and Marty, you can adapt your strategy and equipment to tackle the challenges posed by these weather conditions. So, the next time you step onto the golf course, remember that it’s not just your swing but also the weather that plays a vital role in your quest for that perfect shot.

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