Unlock Another Level with TaylorMade’s Qi35 Line of Clubs
Qi35 takes TaylorMade Speed and Forgiveness to a whole new level.
Qi35 Drivers – More Distance From More Of The Face

The Qi35 driver is ideal for a wide array of golfing abilities. It delivers explosive distance and undeniable forgiveness in a package that’s pleasing to the eye and inspires confidence. With a near zero CG projection, the Qi35 driver allows golfers to experience more distance from more of the face.
*Claim based on robot testing vs. Qi10 in 13 impact locations
The Qi35 driver features five strategic materials in its construction: chromium carbon, steel, aluminum, tungsten and titanium. They all work together to deliver unparalleled performance from the tee.
The Qi35 Trajectory Adjustment System has two movable weights that allow golfers to achieve optimal spin and shot shape control. In the weight-back position, dispersion is 13% tighter, and in the weight-forward position, the club provides five additional yards of distance.
*Qi35 dispersion and distance claims based on player testing vs. Qi10 driver.
Qi35 Fairways – Distance, Forgiveness and Adjustability All in One
The Qi35 family of fairway woods is designed to help golfers take their long game to another level. Optimized CG locations, 4° loft sleeves in every 3 and 5-wood, and multi-material construction give golfers the confidence they need to play any shot from any lie.
Qi35 Fairway Woods are designed for the widest array of golfers and now feature added adjustability. They represent the ideal blend of playability, distance, forgiveness, and adjustability.
Qi35 Fairway Woods are made from premium lightweight chromium carbon, steel and aluminum to deliver consistent performance from any lie.
Qi35 Hybrids – Versatility and Performance From Any Lie
The Qi35 Rescue™ offers golfers of all abilities the ideal blend of form, function and fit. It features a 3° loft sleeve allowing golfers to find the perfect setting for their game. Cutting-edge design unlocks another level of performance giving golfers the confidence to play shots from any lie.
The Qi35 Rescue is constructed with state-of-the-art chromium carbon, steel and aluminum, delivering a versatile club engineered for consistent performance, enhanced speed and forgiveness.